
6 main steps on data projects

Purpose of Data Analytics projects is very diverse. From process optimization up to new revenue streams. Today we are sharing which are main 6 project steps and key examples of each. Remember that failing in 1 of the steps can led to a complete project failure.  All are important and typically initial steps are the ones taking 80% of the effort (despite the last ones are more trendy nowadays) 1. Data collection The first step in any data analytics project is to collect the relevant data. This can be done from a variety of sources, such as databases, surveys, social media, and customer relationship management (CRM) systems. The type of data collected will depend on the specific goals of the project. For example, if a company is trying to improve its customer experience, they might collect data on customer satisfaction, website usage, and product reviews. 2. Data cleaning Once the data has been collected, it needs to be cleaned. This means identifying and correcting errors and incons...

Data viz and storytelling: What's the difference and why are they both important?

  Data visualization is the process of using visual representations to communicate data. This can include charts, graphs, maps, and other types of visuals. Data visualization can be used to make complex data easier to understand and to identify patterns and trends. Data storytelling is the process of using data to tell a story. This involves using data to support a particular claim or argument, or to illustrate a particular point. Data storytelling can be used to persuade others, to educate them, or to simply entertain them. The importance of data visualization Data visualization is important because it can help us to: Make better decisions: By visualizing data, we can more easily identify patterns and trends. This information can then be used to make better decisions. Communicate data more effectively: Visual representations of data are often easier to understand than raw data. This makes data visualization an effective way to communicate data to others. Engage our audience: Vis...

Big Data as Business enabler

We know that information and technology is becoming essential to success and that companies have an opportunity to collect more data than ever before, but... How can that information be used? Is this just another buzzword or does big data really adds value? Technology is becoming more essential to business success. It is clear your strategy needs to include the technology that supports your business and its customers, as well as how you manage data and people. If a company doesn't have these elements in place, it can struggle to compete in an increasingly competitive market. Data management strategies are becoming increasingly important as companies need more information from their customers. Businesses are sitting on a gold mine of potential data. Big data is an exciting business enabler. Companies are sitting on a gold mine of potential data. This treasure trove can be used to improve business in many ways: you can predict future outcomes, improve operational efficiency, customer...

What is the future of ETL?

ETL stands for Extract Transform and Load data in order to structure information in a way which is suitable for analytical purposes vs transactional database design. Potentially, combining multiple sources in a single target enabling cross data analysis. It has been a crucial part of analytics projects over the last 40 years - or even more, with the raise of Data Warehouses back on the 80's. 1. Why ETL or ELT are needed? The purpose of an ETL or ELT pipeline is to prepare data for analytics. To provide valuable insights, source data from various systems (CRMs, ERPs, social media platforms, external DB, etc.) needs to be moved and consolidated in a destination database. Heavy calculations or data modifications also take place during this process to streamline and facilitate data extraction. 2. What is ETL? The key defining feature of an ETL approach is that data is typically processed in-memory rather than in-database. An ETL pipeline is helpful for: Centralizing and standardizing d...

Kit Digital para proyectos de ANALÍTICA en 2022

Kit Digital, destinatarios y utilidad El programa Kit Digital se enmarca en el Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, la agenda España Digital 2025 y el Plan de Digitalización de Pymes 2021-2025. Además, está financiado por la Unión Europea – NextGenerationEU. Otorga ayudas entre 2.000 y 12.000 euros a PYMES y autónomos en función del segmento al que pertenezca: Segmento I: Pequeñas empresas entre 10 y menos de 50 empleados.  →   12.000€ de bono Segmento II: Pequeñas empresas o Microempresas entre 3 y menos de 10 empleados.  →  6.000€ de bono Segmento III: Pequeñas empresas o Microempresas de entre 0 y menos de 3  →   2.000€ de bono La primera convocatoria de ayudas, que verá la luz a principios de 2022, se destinará a pymes de entre 10 y 49 empleados y contará con un presupuesto de 500 millones de euros.  Todos los detalles en el BOE Estos bonos de Kit Digital podrán destinarse a los siguiente ámbitos a través de los agentes digitalizador...

VPC for dummies. Your first network set up in AWS

  Amazon VPC: Virtual Private Cloud. Basic concepts You can imagine how many millions of customers using AWS services. Also, imagine the millions of resources created by them. Resources such as Amazon EC2 instances. Without boundaries around all of these resources, network traffic would be able to flow between them unrestricted.  A networking service that you can use to establish boundaries around your AWS resources is  Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) . Amazon VPC enables you to provision an isolated section of the AWS Cloud. In this isolated section, you can launch resources in a virtual network that you define. Within a virtual private cloud (VPC), you can organize your resources into subnets. A  subnet  is a section of a VPC that can contain resources such as Amazon EC2 instances. Main Concepts: 1. Internet gateway To allow public traffic from the internet to access your VPC, you attach an  internet gateway  to the VPC. An in...

IA después del hype, primero los datos

"¿Y si hacemos un proyecto de Inteligencia Artificial?" Así suelen empezar muchas iniciativas de analítica avanzada o lo que entraría dentro del gran saco de la Transformación Digital. Ahora "es lo que toca" para estar en la cresta de la ola tecnológica. Detrás del hype en proyectos de Inteligencia Artificial, Big Data, IoT siempre hay un denominador común. Los DATOS . Estos son el ingrediente principal de la receta de la digitalización y conceptos a priori tan poco novedosos (década de los 70's) como DataWarehouse, Data Mart o Data Lake cobran ahora más sentido que nunca. "Se trata de tener datos estructurados y homogéneos para poder explotarlos" Aquellas empresas, independientemente de su tamaño, capaces de tener una integración y governance de sus datos que les permita tomar decisiones en base a estos serán las que obtengan una importante ventaja competitiva. IA en la empresa privada Si bien la inteligencia artificial tiene aplicaciones en infinidad...